Monday, July 12, 2010
Seriously...I have major problems with my memory...
Soooo these past few months that I have neglected to write...I TOTALLY forgot that I had a blog....shows what really is important to me, huh? In my defense, though, I've been really busy in the past couple of months moving, and spending time with friends and family before I left for my Summer Travels. Now that I am on said Travels, I find myself with some extra time to spend, and guess what I found!! My blog!! Well now I know what I am going to be doing on my free time. I have a lot of it btw. So, I will start the next available moment I have catching this blog up with the past few months, and the get around to the present...until then, keep on living, and travel to your heart's...HEY look another train!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Wrap things up
Only a few more days and my time in Miami will be up. Time to go back home and get ready for my next adventure. I hope New Mexico is ready for my friend and I, because I know that we are ready for New Mexico! After my 2 months in Miami, I have grown to like this city....kinda. I will be sure to come back when after I turn 21, because then I will be able to go and do all the clubbing that my heart and wallet desire. Until then, I will enjoy other places, like Tallahassee, where I can go to great bars and clubs and not have to sneek in or pay a fortune to bribe the bounce to let me in. *No, this dosnt only happen in the movies* I am happy that today was a beautiful day for the beach. Its always nice to watch people on South Beach. You really never know what you may see there! I know that I am one of those people that most stare at, and give double-takes. I accept it. I mean with so many tattoos, and almost never normal hair, I am used to the looks people give me. Some make me straight up laugh. *If you didn'd already know, people watching is one of my favorite passtimes*
Saturday, May 8, 2010
When technology F's up your plans
Ahh, so you check the weather and see it's going to be a beautiful, sunny day. You plan on waking up early and spend the day outside, enjoying the weather. What you DON'T plan on is your phone cutting off in the middle of the night, hence negating all the plans you had made about enjoying the sun. Technology, I just have one thing to say to you: rematch!! Tomorrow, same time, same place!! I'll be damned if I'm going to let technology ruin the few days left I have in sunny Miami. Bring it on technology, bring it! Technology-1 Kayla-0
Friday, May 7, 2010
And a bit of trickery on my part
Ever feel that a trip would be better spent if you went with someone you really care about? Be it friend, special someone, or family. I have plans to go visiting some family in New Mexico this summer, and I really didn't feel like going alone this year. I usually do, and end up wishing I had invited a friend to join me. Why? Because my grandparents live in a town with an approximate population of a whopping 68 people!! Needless to say, there aren't many people there my age, and I end up with only my grandparents for company. While I love them, and spending time with them is the reason I choose to spend my time in a ghost town (OK, I know its an exaggeration, though there is a ghost town in the area i visit while riding trails) every summer, it would be nice to have someone to talk to at 2am when I cant sleep, or someone to ride quads with for hours and hours. his year I fixed that problem. I tricked my best friend into going with me. Success!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The city that never sleeps

Soooo, I just spend night number 4 not sleeping. Ironic? Nah, just insomnia. If you would have asked me this time last year if I thought I'd ever be living in Miami, I would have laughed! Laughed in your face and prolly even snorted in the process. Yet, here I am, sitting at the dining room table, watching the sun rise on the other side of South Beach from the 25th floor of the apartment I'm staying in. I have to say, it's a pretty nice view! Miami is a pretty nice city...if you like the party til the break of dawn, blow hundreds of dollars in one night on stuff you wont even remember when you wake up, kind of city. Nightlife, amazing...if your over 21 or have a fake ID. The people...not always the most friendly, but hey, they're rich, they don't have to be nice, right? Parking is horrible anytime during the "lunch" hours, and you're lucky if you get a parking spot that isn't a nice walk to everything. It can't conpare to parking on the weekends during the day (for the beach-goers). Parking at night? HA! I have personally spent 2 hours driving around looking for a parking spot, though I was looking for one at like midnight...which was stupid on my part...I should gotten there a little earlier, like around 10 if I wanted a parking spot. Now don't get me wrong, there's parking garages, but they are about $15-$20 to park in, and I just don't have that kind of extra money. There is also valet...again, no extra money. So if you have the extra money, you have a little better lunch in getting the much sought after parking spot at peak hours. **Friendly tip: don't get behind the taxis as much as possible, and watch for pedestrians, they jump out of nowhere...LITERALLY!!** Traffic...don't even get me started! I think I'm going to die every day that I venture out onto the roadways. The 5:00 traffic rush isn't as bad as it is in, let's say, Boston, but, they way the people drive makes it much more scary, in my opinion. I am definitely not going to miss the traffic that's for damn sure. The knew this was bound to pop up, I mean it is Miami, of course. South Beach is pretty nice. Kinda packed if you go at the peak hours of the day during the week when most people are at work. Weekends? Completely packed. My advice? North Beach. It's quieter, smaller, and not as packed, but still just as beautiful. The by FAR the BEST past of Miami. I am going to miss it so when I leave...I might have to make a special vacation just to come back and eat. My favorite places to eat in Miami: Iron Sushi- the best place to get great sushi at a great price. Benihana Hibachi restaurant-food was amazing, but it is a Hibachi, so if you're going to eat at the grill, it can get a little pricey. Worth every Penny though! Tokyo Bowl- because they have a $14 all you can eat sushi special. (I know I love sushi) Eastside Pizza- I eat her just about every day for their $4.99 daily special, which includes your entree, which changes every day, a small salad, 2 big garlic bread rolls and your choice of drink. It's almost too much food, depending on how hungry I am. I almost never can finish it all, so I usually leave some bread for the little birdies that hop around outside. (oh yeah, you eat outside at a covered, open area, or take it to go!) The people that work there know exactly what I want when they see me drive's a good feeling. They also have HUGE slices of pizza, that are very tasty! Speaking of which...I think I know what I'm going to have for lunch today!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Spring ails as summer closes in
I feel that as soon as Spring hits, I start thinking about what I am going to do for the summer. Every year, the same routine. I never get tired of it, though. I love spending endless hours browsing travel sites and reading reviews of different places. I may start with an idea of what I want to do, but after a few searches and open new tabs later, I'm searching a totally different places and reading reviews of people that may or may not be of the same mind as myself. What do I get out of it all? A big list of possible places to go, and still no idea as to what the hell I want to do for the summer! So, the moral of the story: don't read hotel reviews if the Hotel is rated 3 stars or less. Why? Simple. It's only a 3 star or less! Reviews come in handy and help eliminate choices when its rating 4 or 5 stars because that is when it matters if you get good service, or how the utilities and such are. If I would have figured this out a few years ago, it would have saved me a lot of time and effort.
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